View, download, and delete Riddle stats

You can view and download all statistics revolving around your Riddle to really get to know your audience.

View stats

There are two ways to open stats:

  • Open a Riddle and click on Analyze.
    go to analyze from open Riddle
  • Go to YOUR RIDDLES, hover over a Riddle and click on ANALYZE.
    go to analyze from Your Riddles

Four ways to analyze your stats

You can filter the stats to a time frame by clicking on the arrow next to ALL TIME and selecting an option.

  1. Under Overview you can see the number of views, starts, completions, completed leads, the average time spent on the Riddle, as well as the number of shares.
    Under the Date range filter, you can also enable Compare with to view two different time frames.
  2. Under Breakdown you can see how many people answered each question in the form of a graph as well as the answers and results for each block.
  3. Under Leads & CTA you can see how many people viewed, skipped, and completed your lead generation form(s). You can also view the number of people who clicked on your CTA (call to action) buttons.
  4. Under Audience, you can see where your audience's location, device, and operating system.

Download stats

download stats

  1. Go to Analyze.
  3. Click on CSV uner Download statistics.
  4. Done. The stats will be downloaded as a CSV file onto your device.

Download leads

download leads

  1. Go to Analyze.
  3. Click on CSV or XLSX under Download leads.
  4. Done. The leads will be downloaded as your chosen file type onto your device.

Reset stats

You can reset stats from any given time period or reset all stats to zero for each Riddle. The data is then no longer stored on the Riddle server.

reset stats

  1. Go to Analyze.
  2. Click on the three dots next to ALL TIME (or the time frame you selected).
  3. Click on RESET.
  4. In the pop-up, check the Yes, do it box and click on OK.