
You can combine any of these blocks into your Riddle.

1. Date picker

  1. Click on ADD A CONTENT BLOCK and select Date picker.
    add date picker block
  2. Type your question or title, such as "When's your birthday?", into the Title field.
    Your audience can then automcatically select a date when they do the Riddle.
    time date picker add title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file (optional).
    time date picker add media
  4. Add a Label (optional).
    time date picker add label

2. Time picker

  1. Click on ADD A CONTENT BLOCK and select Time picker.
    add time picker block
  2. Type your question or title, such as "What time is best to reach you?", into the Title field.
    time time picker add title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file (optional).
    Your audience can then automatically select a time.
    time time picker add media
  4. Add a Label (optional).
    time time picker add label



time media ratio

Go to the options icon on the right of Form Content.

Under Answers, disable Show media or select a Media ratio.


time enable description

Go to the options icon on the right of Form Content.

Under Form options, enable Description.

You can now add extra information or guidance for your audience in the Description field under Form content. Some blocks already have a description field by default.


time disable skipp

Go to the options icon on the right of Form Content.

Enable Disable skip button to make the block required and to remove the skip button.