
Your audience can play your Riddles around the world, meaning across different timezones.


The timezone shown for stats is UTC.

Example: Riddle receives a view from any country on 01.10.24 at 01:59 CEST =>
The view is still counted for 30.09.24.


The timezone shown for leads is UTC.

Example: Riddle receives a lead from any country on 01.10.24 at 01:59 CEST =>
The lead shows 30.09.24 23:59 in the download.

Opening/closing date

The timezone for a Riddle opening/closing date is the local time of the creator.

Example: Creator sets the opening date to 01.10.24 at 20:00 BST =>
A visitor from Germany can play the Riddle starting from 01.10.24 at 21:00 CEST.