Configure scoring
You can adjust how your audience's scores are calculated for the leaderboard, using our integrated quiz time multiplier.
- Go to Settings and click on Leaderboard: Scoring.
- Under Quiz time multiplier, adjust the number on the slider.
The time multiplier ranges from 0 to 100x and the default multiplier is 100.
The time multiplier uses a formula to calculate points by combining a user's score with a user's time taken to answer the quiz questions.
The formula is:
Points = points x (1 + (1 / time taken x multiplier)
The higher the multiple, the more you will be rewarded for a faster time-taken and the more variation you will have between entries on the leaderboard. This can also then increase audience motivation to be high up on the leaderboard. - Here is an example calculation:
Points = 6
Time taken = 60
Multiplier = 100
6 x (1 + 1/60 x 100) = 16