
You can see the detailed statistics for your Riddle's completion rates, the answers your audience gave, as well as the results they got.

analyze breakdown

  1. Go to Question completion graph to see how many people answered each block. By identifying questions that lead your audience to drop off you can then improve your Riddle completion rates.
    The blue bars indicate submitted blocks. The red bars indicate skipped blocks.
    Hover over the bar to see the exact number.
    The ID number refers to a block in your Riddle. Each block in your Riddle is assigned an ID number.
  2. Go to Answer breakdown to see and analyze your audience's answers for each block.
    First you can see the title of the block in bold.
    Look under the title in bold to see specific information about that block:
    • The block type is directly under the title, e.g. multiple choice.
    • ID is the number assigned to that block.
    • Views is the the number of times the block was opened including repeat openings by the same person.
    • Submits is the number of times someone clicked on the 'Submit' (or your customized equivalent) button.
    • Skips is the number of times someone clicked on the 'Skip' button.

    Each possible answer is again assigned an ID number. On the right of the ID and answer, you can see how many people chose that answer as a percentage and as a raw number.
  3. Go to Results to see the results your audience got.
    The table has three columns:
    • The result title is the text you inserted for the result page.
    • The count is the number of people who completed the Riddle, with or without completing the lead forms. This number should therefore equal the red Completions bar under Overview.