Create low/medium/high results

If you are using our Show other results feature for the result page, users see their top result and how they scored with the other possible results. For these other non-winning results, you can show different result variants to each Riddle taker, based on the percentage of points they scored for each result to give your audience a more personalized assessment.

  1. In your Riddle, click on one of your Personalities.
    go to personalities
  2. Click on the Options icon next to Winning result.
    go to winning result options
  3. Enable Create low/medium/high results.
    enable create low medium high results
  4. Under Score ranges, drag and drop the slider to where you would like to set your variant.
    edit variant score ranges
  5. Click on ADD RANGE and repeat step 4 for as many variants as you like. We recommend two or three variants.
    add ranges to variants
  6. The result variants will appear under the Winning result.
    see result variants under winning
  7. Add media, result title, and optional description.
    set up variants
  8. Repeat for as many personalities as you like.
    repeat variant setup for other personalities
  9. Go to Result page and delete the Winning personality element.
    go to result page and delete winning personality element
  10. Click on ADD and select Other personalities.
    add other personalities element
  11. Click on Edit and enable Include winning personality and change the layout to full width.
    edit other personalities element setup