General settings

Activate pagination

  1. Go to the Settings section and click on General: Global controls.
    go to general
  2. Enable Pagination to control the page and progress display.
    general enable pagination
  3. Enable # of pages to display the total number of pages to the audience while doing the Riddle.
    general enable number of pages
  4. Enable Progress bar to display how far through the Riddle the audience is.
    general enable progress bar
  5. Enable Only show on question blocks to limit the page numbers / progress bar to the blocks that contain questions.
    general enable only show on question blocks
  6. Enable Display "Back" button to allow your audience to go back to the previous question via a backward arrow symbol < in the top left corner of the Riddle.
    general enable back button

Advance automatically from one block to the next

  1. Go to the Settings section and click on General: Global controls.
    go to general
  2. Enable Auto advance to automatically go from one question to the answer explanation or next question.
    general enable auto advance
  3. Enable "Choose" button so users can change their answers before submitting.
    general enable choose button
    This overwrites auto advance where applicable.

Change the media ratio

  1. Go to the Settings section and click on General: Global controls.
    go to general
  2. Go to Default media ratio and select a ratio for images and other media.
    You can always change this within each individual block.
    general set default media ratio

Change the language

  1. Go to the Settings section and click on General: Global controls.
    go to general
  2. Go to Language to set the language for your Riddle.
    general change language

Customize buttons

  1. Go to the Settings section and click on General: Global controls.
    go to general
  2. Enable Customize button text to change what specific buttons say.
    general customize button text
    You can enter your own text in the Write something fields for the following buttons:
    • Choose
    • Choose again
    • I give up
    • Start
    • Next
    • Skip
    • Play again
    • Submit and continue
    • Form skip

Riddle open / closed

  1. Go to the Settings section and click on General: Global controls.
    go to general
  2. Your Riddle is open by default. To close the Riddle, disable Your Riddle is open so that your audience can participate in your Riddle. It is enabled by default.
    general disable your Riddle is open
    To limit when your Riddle is open, enable Set opening date and/or Set closing date and choose a local date and time.
  3. Enable Show result page after closing date and select result page from the dropdown menu so that a specific result page appears for your audience following the closing date (for a poll/survey only).
    general show result page after closing date