Other content blocks

You can combine any of these blocks into your Riddle.

1. Text / media

You can create a text / media block to inform or entertain your audience without a question.

  1. Click on ADD A CONTENT BLOCK and select Text / media.
    add text/media block
  2. Insert your text into the Title field.
    other content blocks title add title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    other content blocks title add media

2. Quote

You can enter important quotations or statistical data.

  1. Click on ADD A CONTENT BLOCK and select Quote.
    add quote block
  2. Add an image, quote text, and the author in the Content section fields.
    other content blocks quote content
  3. Customize the background and text colors by clicking on the Options icon on the right of Content and selecting colors from the dropdown menus under Quote.
    other content blocks quote customize colors
  4. Add text into the Title field (optional).
    other content blocks quote add title
  5. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file (optional).
    other content blocks quote add media



other content blocks media ratio

Go to the options icon on the right of Form Content.

Under Answers, disable Show media or select a Media ratio.