Create a personality quiz

  1. In the Riddle Creator, click on CREATE RIDDLE and then select START FROM SCRATCH under Personality quiz.
    create Riddle personality quiz and start from scratch
  2. Under Personalities, complete the personality block with media, a result title, and a description.
    The Label is only for you, not for your audience.
    Click on ADD ANOTHER PERSONALITY and repeat the process for as many personalities as you like.
    pq personalities
  3. Under Attributes, click on ADD AN ATTRIBUTE and complete the block with media, an attribute title, and a description.
    Attributes are charactersitics or elements that can apply across all personalities. They provide a secondary level of insight and are completely independent of your personalities.
    For example, you have a "What car should you buy?" Riddle. Each personality is a different car and you have three attributes as extras such as "baby seat", "cleaning spray", and "insurance", which are all completely unrelated to the actual cars.
    pq attributes
  4. Under Questions, complete the Text / media block and single choice block (or click on the three dots next to the block and delete it) with media, a title, and answer content.
    Click on ADD A BLOCK and repeat the process to complete your personality quiz creation using any combination of different personality quiz prompt blocks.
    pq questions
  5. Edit the scoring for each question by clicking on EDIT SCORING.
    pq edit scoring button
    pq edit scoring
  6. Under Results, edit the result block(s). Read more about results in the Result blocks help guide.
    pq results
  7. Publish your personality quiz.
    pq publish
  8. Embed your personality quiz.
    pq embed
  9. Read more in the Make a compelling personality quiz help guide.
    pq example