Pick a winner (Raffle)

You can pick a winner from your leads in any Riddle that contains lead forms.

  1. Go to Publish and click on Pick a winner (Raffle).
    go to pick a winner
  2. Enable Exclude duplicates to make sure any email addresses that appear in your leads are only counted once (optional).
    exclude duplicates
  3. Click on DRAW WINNER.
    draw winner from your leads
  4. The random winner's email will appear above DRAW WINNER.
    see winner

Add conditions for the winner

  1. Click on ADD CONDITION.
    add condition for winner
  2. Select specific criteria for your winner from the dropwdown menu.
    select specific criteria for winner from dropwdown menu
  3. Select a condition from the the middle dropdown menu.
    select condition from second dropdown menu
  4. Select a condition from the third dropdown menu / type text into the field.
    select condition from third dropdown menu
  5. Repeat steps one to four for as many conditions as you like.
    update conditions
  7. Click on DRAW WINNER.
    draw winner with new condition
  8. The random winner's email will appear above DRAW WINNER.
    see winner
  9. Feel free to use our legal text templates especially adapted for online raffles and contests.