Submit first block via data layer

You can add the first page of your Riddle into your email or newsletter, or onto social media so that your audience can submit the first block.

The technology behind this is that each choice has a unique link. Once clicked, the user's vote for a choice is casted via the data layer.

  1. Go to Publish and click on Data layer.
    go to submit first block via data layer
  2. Enable Submit first block via data layer.
    enable submit first block via data layer
  3. Enter the URL your Riddle is embedded on in the field or leave this blank if you use the Riddle landing page.
    enter the URL where your Riddle is embedded
  4. For usage on social media, copy the individual links below each answer.
    first block on social media
  5. For usage in newsletters, copy the html code in the grey box at the bottom of the page and paste it into your email or newsletter.
    first block in newsletter