Send leads to ApiX-Drive

You can automatically sync Riddle lead data with ApiX-Drive.

  1. In ApiX-Drive, click on Create connection.
  2. Select the system as the Data Source, and specify Riddle.
  3. Specify the action Get DATA.
  4. Select the Riddle account from which will get the data. If there are no accounts connected to the system, click Connect account.
  5. Enter the name of your account (if necessary) and click Save. After this, reload the page and select the connected account if this did not happen automatically.
  6. Copy the link in the URL for receiving data field and go to your Riddle account.
  7. In Riddle, go to the Riddle you want to connect.
  8. Go to Publish, click on Save and connect data, and click on ADD next to Webhook.
  9. In the Webhook URL field, paste the previously copied link from ApiX-Drive, and click on CONTINUE.
  10. Enable your Webhook and click on SAVE.