At Riddle, our quizzes are tracker-free and (almost entirely) cookie-free - and we're entirely GDPR and CCPA-compliant.
We believe quizzes are powerful 'opt-in' marketing tools (with our lead generation tools) - not for tracking your audience data without their consent.
You can see this born out in our very short list of cookies below.
Audience cookies
These are the cookie(s) your audience will see when taking your quiz.
Necessary cookies
These cookies are necessary so that you can navigate through the pages and use essential functions.
- see local storage below
Analytical cookies
These cookies are used for analytical purposes and help us to optimise your Riddle experience by tracking which pages you visit and which features you are using.
- None
Cookies/services from third parties
These cookies are used by third party services and help us provide a better experience for you.
- None
Local Storage
Local Storage describes information that is only saved on your computer and never sent to our servers. Data in local storage can only be read via JavaScript and you can easily erase all local storage by clearning your browser cache and cookies.
We do not store any personal identifiable information in local storage.
For our audience-facing Riddle embeds, local storage is used only if you enable the security feature "one vote per browser". If you want a cookieless Riddle embed, simply do not enable this feature.
- Only if the option "one vote per browser is activated": Local storage cookie containing quiz answer values and result data - this prevents users from taking the same Riddle more than once in the same browser.
Cookies for quiz creators
Necessary cookies
These cookies are necessary so that you can navigate through the pages and use essential functions.
- Session cookie - no personal data stored. It stores a random ID number and expires when you close the browser.
- Session cookies 2 - user meta data. It stores if you are logged in, and if you visit our pricing page, it stores if you have a subscription plan and if you do, which one.
- Regular cookies - used for tracking sources from which our site is visited. It stores the URL query string that was used when visiting our site for 24 hours.
- Google reCAPTCHA - required to secure the login to Riddle. Please read the Google Privacy Policy to learn more.
Analytical cookies
These cookies are used for analytical purposes and help us to optimise your Riddle experience by tracking which pages you visit and which features you are using.
- Matamo Analytics - we don't use Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager. We use our self-hosted version of Matomo Analytics for necessary usage tracking on our site only. (Our embedded quizzes contain no tracking at all.)
Local Storage
Local Storage is information that is only saved on your computer and never sent to our servers. Data in local storage can only be read via Java Script and you can easily erase all local storage by clearning your browser cache and cookies. We are not storing any personal identifiable information in local storage. Local storage in our audience facing Riddle embeds is used for two things:
- Answer Selections - used when creating a Journey Riddle to store the expanded nodes
- Persistent list of choices made in dialogs - for example "show only once"
- Lead Gen Info Banner message - stores if the user has closed that info banner on the lead form
Cookies/services from third parties
These cookies are used by third party services and help us provide a better experience for you. Our support chat will not work if you decline these cookies.
- Send-in-Blue support chat - we use Send-in-Blue to power our support chat. Once you are logged in, your name and email as well as your subscription status will be transmitted to Send-in-Blue to allow us to provide better and personalized support to you. Send-in-Blue GmbH is located in Germany and all data is stored in the EU. Please read Send-in-Blue's privacy policy to learn more.
All cookies used in our embed, creator, main website, blog and online documentation
Please note: all cookies marked as Riddle creator 1.0 are only loading if you are still using our old Riddle version. You can tell if a Riddle is still a version 1.0 Riddle by looking at the Riddle ID. Version 1 Riddles have IDs that contain only numbers. New Riddles have IDs that contain letters as well.
Cookie name | Sample value | Used where? | Usage for: | Storage period | Legal basis for usage |
PHPSESSID | Random hash value | Creator | Identify a user during an acive session. Necessary to operate the service | Session | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service |
sc-simple-cookie | Cookie consent version and consent services | |
Store the cookie consent for the site visitor based on the interaction with the consent banner | Session | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service |
cookies_metadata | Cookie consent version and consent services | Homepage and Creator | Store the cookie consent for the site visitor based on the interaction with the consent banner | Session | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service |
_pd_id.1.b8e3 | Random hash value | Creator, /blog, /docs | Self-hosted version of Matomo Analytics. Measures user interaction with our services | 1 year and one week after the cookie has been set | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service |
_pk_ses.1b8e3 | Random hash value | Creator, /blog, /docs | Self-hosted version of the Matomo Analytics service. Anonymized IP adress, time and date of the visit, URL of the current and previously viewed page, clicks and downloads, page speed, approximate geographical location, browser version and browsler language of the site visitor | 30 minutes after the cookie has been set | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service |
SiBConversations | Random hash value, timestamp, URL referrer, user agent information | Creator, /blog, /docs | Chatbox from our chat and support provider Sendinblue SAS. Sendinblue SAS is a European GDPR-compliant service provider and their cookies are set from their domain | Local Storage | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service |
Google reCaptcha: 1P_Jar, CONSENT, NID, _Secure-3PAPISID, _Secure-3PSID, _Secure-3PSIDCC | Random hash values, time and date | and | Google reCaptcha on the user login form to prevent bots from login in or registering, also to prevent brute force attacks to hack user logins | 6 months after the cookies has been set | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service |
ngStorage-nodeAnswerSelections | Riddle creator - 'journey' riddle type | Journey: stores the expanded nodes | Local storage | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service | |
ngStorage-dialogsShown | Riddle creator | Persistant list of dialogs (e.g. for show only once) | Local storage | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service | |
ngStorage-riddle_leadgen_[RiddleID] | Riddle creator | Lead generation info banner state in a specific riddle. Stores if user has closed the info banner | Local storage | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service | |
ngStorage-defaultLanguage | Riddle embed version 1.0 | The language of the embed e.g. de:casual for German (casual) | Local storage | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service | |
ngStorage-riddleResults | Riddle embed, if the option "one vote per browser" is activated) | Persistent result and answer data (e.g. to prevent double voting and to show the selected vote) | Local storage | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service | |
homepagesessid | Random hash value | Homepage | Identifies the user during an active session. Necessary to operate the service | Session | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service |
user_meta | Homepage, Creator | Meta data from logged in users. Necessary to operate the service | Session | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service | |
landing_query_string | Homepage, Creator | URL query string from the first visit to our homepage. | 24 hours after the cookie has been set | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service | |
RIPSSESSID | Random hash value | Checkout and subscription management portal | Identifies the user during an active session. Necessary to operate the service | Session | Art. 6 Abs.1 S.1 lit. f) DSGVO (GDPR). Necessary cookie to operate the service |