A wavy line with a gradient form blue to purple A leaderboard of top scores for a sports triva quiz A contest entry form for collecting name and email A cover page for a sports trivia quiz with an image of fencing and a Start button
Interface showing a Sports Trivia Riddle being created

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Manchester BBC Oxfam CNN Greenpeace LinkedIn ChicagoBulls

Get started now. It's simple.

  • Create content quicker

    Create content in minutes with our no-code, visual content creator.

  • Hand-tailor the experience

    Ask specific questions based on how customers previously answered.

  • Match your brand’s style

    Use one global style preset to control the look on all your content.

  • Capture leads flexibly

    Collect lead info how you want, in bits throughout the Riddle or all at once.

  • Enrich and segment your leads

    Combine data from answers and results with form data.

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  • Personality quizzes
  • Graded quizzes
  • Timed quizzes
  • Product recommendations
  • Contests & giveaways
  • Audience polls
  • Employee surveys
  • Listicles
  • Sponsored content
  • And more...
Our plans are unlimited. No need to worry about views, how many times a Riddle is taken, or how much data is collected.

Publish anywhere

Your Riddle quiz will work on any site, from Wordpress to Wix, Squarespace to Shopify. No complicated code – it’s as easy as embedding a YouTube video.

Your Riddle, your brand

Live up to your branding standards with our appearance editor or dive deeper with custom CSS. Plus, any content you create is white-labelled.

Collect rich leads

Convert better leads and export to 5,000 of your favorite marketing tools - from HubSpot and Klavijo to Salesforce and Google Sheets.

Get started now. It's simple.

We take care of the details.
So you don't have to.

Lightning-fast support

We are proud to average 2.1 minutes to respond.


Quizzes look great on any device - desktop, tablet, phone... you name it.

Fully accessible content

WCAG 2.1-compliant to meet everyone’s needs.

Get started now. It's simple.

For marketing

Fantastic for generating better leads

Riddle Creator and Embed on a Laptop
I thought quizzes wouldn’t work. I was wrong - my first quiz got a 68% opt-in rate… 10X better than my previous email collection tools.
Merilyn Beretta
Merilyn Beretta Founder LeadYourWorld
Our Tate Kids audience loves interactive content like Riddle’s quizzes. Our games and quizzes generates half our traffic and has 22% higher time on site, which means greater engagement and education from our audience.
Merilyn Beretta
Zoe Smith Kids Producer Tate Modern