Quiz: How Well Do You Know Rachel Green?
What was the name of Rachel's Italian boyfriend?
Which song did Rachel sing at Barry and Mindy's wedding?
Who tells Rachel about Ross and the girl from the copy store?
What was the name of the high school that Rachel, Monica, and Ross all attended?
What fictional character does Rachel dress up as while she is dating Ross?
What part of her body does Rachel refuse to let anybody touch?
For which fashion brand did Rachel work in for much of the show?
What did Tag get Rachel for her 30th birthday?
What nationality was the exchange student that joined Ross and Will (Brad Pitt) in the 'I Hate Rachel Green Club' in high school?
What career did Rachel's sister Amy want to move into after spending time looking after Emma?
Which of these pets did Rachel say she had as a child?
What European city was Rachel planning to move to in Season 10?
How many candy bars did Rachel buy after her failed date with Kash in Season 8?
What did Rachel call the cop that pulled her over when she was trying to get out of a ticket?
What actor played the man who slated Rachel for her plan to fly to England and disrupt Ross and Emily's wedding?
Almost as bad as Rachel's trifle.
Not bad!
What a performance!