There are lots of ways to recycle household items. Take our quiz to see if you know what you can recycle and what you can’t.
1-9 of 20 - Really good start, thanks for taking the quiz! We hope the answers you got wrong helped you realise how much you can recycle, and it’s great that you’re interested – why not have another go at the quiz, we bet you can do even better second time around!
10-14 out of 20 – You are so close! You have a pretty good knowledge of what you can recycle already! Why not have a look on your local council’s website to see what you can recycle in your local area and then have another go on our quiz? Can you get a higher score than last time?
Good Luck!
15-19 out of 20 - Ooh, you’re pretty good at knowing what you can recycle! That’s an impressive score, great knowledge. Why not try again and see if you can get all 20 right?
20 out of 20 – WELL DONE! You got 100%. You definitely know about what you can recycle and what you can’t! Use your knowledge to help recycle more items in your household and even your school. You can help keep the environment safe and reduce the amount of rubbish going to landfill!
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