Connect to Leaderboard

Any built quizzes or predictors with at least one Name and Email field can be connected to an existing leaderboard. This opens up many possibilities and can enable you to create more engaging and interactive content with little to zero maintenance.

Example use cases include:

  • Creating & running a weekly quiz with a leaderboard
  • Creating & running a Predictor for every match of your sports team

Note: Connecting multiple Riddles to a single leaderboard is only possible with our Enterprise subscription. If you are interested in this feature consider upgrading to get the most out of Riddle.

How to connect a Riddle to a leaderboard

Leaderboard connections are specified within build.leaderboard.connections. For example if I want to connect to the leaderboard with the UUID Fw5uSygx to my built Riddle the following build configuration is needed:

    "type": "Quiz",
    "build": {
        "title": "My quiz",
        "blocks": [
                "title": "What's the capital of Germany?",
                "type": "SingleChoice",
                "items": {
                    "Berlin": true,
                    "Lissabon": false,
                    "Leipzig": false
                "title": "My form",
                "type": "FormBuilder",
                "fields": {
                    "Your email": "Email",
                    "Your name": "Name"
        "leaderboard": {
            "connections": ["Fw5uSygx"]

Note: To show the leaderborad on the result page and to fully engage the user we advise you to add the Leaderboard block to your result page. Click here to learn more.


Make sure that..

  • the leaderboard UUID is correct
  • the leaderboard is in the same project as the Riddle you are creating
  • you have added a FormBuilder with a Name and Email field to your Riddle
  • when you want to connect multiple Riddles: you are subscribed to our Enterprise plan