Quiz recommendation guide

Recommendation guide: Which riddle type should you create

With 4 types of Riddles and 13 question blocks (and counting!), Riddle’s quiz maker gives you options… lots of options. To help you decide – we whipped up this quiz recommendation engine, powered by our quiz with branching logic.

Just answer 3-4 questions, and we’ll tell you our quiz recommendation for your needs – as well as including links to live examples and tips/best practices for that quiz type.

Now, we know that sometimes it’s best to see and experience each quiz type. To help you with the right quiz recommendation, here’s our collection of top Riddle examples.

You still have questions?

Please ask if we help with a bespoke quiz recommendation for your unique needs.

From our CEO Boris down, we’re all big customer support geeks – and generally race each other to answer your questions first.
Just drop us a line on support chat or at hello@riddle.com – you’ll be up and creating your own awesome quizzes in no time at all!

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