Create a Likert Scale quiz with Riddle

How to create a likert-scale quiz with Riddle quizmaker

Likert scale quiz – overview

“Likert what?” – We’ve all probably seen Likert scales in action – even if you’ve never heard the name.
Each Likert Scale quiz asks you to select a response from a range of responses. (Here’s a handy overview of the history of the Likert scale). Giving a range of options from ‘Strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’ is a classic example of a Likert scale.

Riddle Quiz Maker is pretty powerful – you can customize it for a near-infinite number of uses.
We’ve seen academics, brands, and other folks create Likert scale quizzes on Riddle to power their research efforts.

Create a Likert scale quiz using Riddle

Creating a Likert scale quiz using Riddle’s online quiz maker is easy.

  1. Create a personality quiz in Riddle
  2. Create a personality type for each result. For each question, give the same options – such as:
    1. Strong disagree
    2. Disagree
    3. Neither
    4. Agree
    5. Strongly Agree
  3. (Strongly dislike to strongly like is another common scale)
  4. Assign each answer to a particular result type.

Advanced scoring – Likert scale test

You will next need to play around with how much association you want to assign each answer with your Likert scale test. Our slider represents a scale from 0 to 20. To make it easier for the non-clinical user, we just named them from no association to weak, medium and strong association.

But if you want to get very precise with your quiz, here are the scores for each range;
0: No association
1-7: Weak association
8-14: Medium association
15-20: Strong association

Each ‘tick’ as you move the slider increases the points assigned for that response. At the end of the personality quiz, our system counts up the points for each result type – then assigns the user the particular result with the most points.

Likert scale quizzes: example on Riddle

Riddle reaction poll – (easy) Likert scale quiz alternative

Did you know? We have a pre-made Likert scale option with Riddle. Our reaction polls (like the one below) let you ask a question using the Likert Scale for scoring.

Creating a Likert Scale quiz with Riddle – Summary

By the way: You can also connect your Riddle to your data system using AWeber, Zapier or our webhook.

Hope that helps – but just let us know if we can answer questions about Riddle’s quiz creator.
Drop us a message at – you won’t have to wait long for a response. We’re big customer service geeks and race each other to respond first!

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