Segment your users based on their quiz data

Segment your users based on their quiz data with Riddle quizmaker

Lead Segmentation and Tagging using AWeber

How can you make your email marketing efforts much more effective and segment users with quiz data?

Very simple – send more relevant emails that feel personal and don’t read like carpet bombing newsletters.
We will use the very cool tagging feature from AWeber. There you got all the basic tools to automate your email marketing. It allows you to segment your leads in many ways, kick off marketing automation based on events.

You can then send personalized emails at just the right time. That is much better then a weekly newsletter with the same content to all your subscribers.

What is tagging?

Tagging allows you to keep a single list of contacts and apply tags to the contacts.

You can design tags yourself. Tags super flexible and have no limits. They take all the complications out of updating multiple email lists for different customer groups by segmenting your customers into pre-defined static buckets.

The beauty of AWeber’s tagging system does not stop here, though. Their marketing automation tools allows you to kick off a long string of events as soon as a tag is applied.

Example Use Case

  1. Assume you have a website that sells online cooking classes. A visitor to your website takes a Riddle quiz titled “Are you a pro chef or amateur cook?”.
  2. Now use the Riddle AWeber integration to automatically tag leads collected from this quiz based on their quiz result. Quiz takers with a low score are cooking amateurs and might prefer microwave dishes. They also might like going out for dinner but they are eager to learn the basics. You could tag them with cooking-novice. Someone scoring really high might benefit from classes on niche skills. They could be how to make a perfect sushi roll or how to grill a whole lamb. Tag these as cooking-pros.
  3. You should set up an automation in AWeber that kicks in based on the tags that are applied to a lead.
    As soon as a cooking-novice enters your list, start by sending them a first email explaining the quiz questions and the correct answers in detail. They are probably eager to learn more details (first jab). Then send them a first helpful tip on how to impress their partner with a dinner they can whip up in 20 minutes or less (second jab). Next send them a checklist to see if they have the most important utensils to start cooking up great tasting dinners (last jab). Then send the final sales email (your right hook) asking them to check out your classes made for beginners, maybe with a timed coupon to create some urgency. For the pros you totally alter the messages. They will not be interested in all the basic tips but might benefit from a series of jabs with little know background on ingredients, an awesome secret recipe and a right hook that sells them your master chef class.

The key to your success

You can of course take the segmentation to much greater detail by spending more time setting up the perfect quiz or personality test with 3 or 5 different result types. The more detailed you get the higher your conversation rates will be.

You quiz takers need to be very likely to answer all questions honest and truthfully. That allows you to segment users with quiz data.

After all, they are dedicating from 3 to 10 minutes to get to their quiz result. Cheating or giving untruthful answers really has no benefit to them. Much unlike people who see a pop up on your site and need to fill out a form to get their hands on whatever free give-away you came up with to get their email. Your quiz offers a real benefit in form of making the quiz taker feel smart and good about himself.

It’s not by accident that quizzes and personality tests are the most shared content on social media (yes even more shared than cat videos). People love to share how they scored in a quiz and ask their friends to check how they compare.

When you answer quiz questions, filling out a lead form before the result is shown is a much smaller psychological hurdle than putting your data in an annoying pop up that keeps you from reading the content of the site you’re on.

After all you came to that site for the content and not for pop ups. A lead form in a quiz on the other hand is just a natural succession and not a disturbance. Our customers tell us that they are seeing 20% and higher completion rates. This is when they are using lead gen forms embedded in Riddle quizzes.

Next steps

  • Create an account at and build your first quiz to segment users with quiz data
  • Choose AWeber as your lead gen option. Then read our how-to blog post to learn all about the AWeber and Riddle integration.
  • Set up a marketing automation funnel at AWeber. Then you can start a chain of emails once the tag from your quiz is applied.
  • Embed your quiz on your website and start generating leads
  • Learn the basics of quiz marketing and how to put yourself in your user’s shoes.

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