Ryan Levesque’s “Ask Method” and Riddle quiz maker

Ryan Levesque’s “Ask Method” and Riddle quiz maker

The Ask Method: quizzes turn your email list into a gold mine

We are huge fans of Ryan Levesque – using the power of a quiz creator and the “Ask Method” to grow your sales through an automatic, yet highly personalized sales funnel. (New to you? Check out his book “Ask“. It’s a quick read, and a steal at less than $10.)

First things first – why are we talking about Ryan’s “Ask Method”?

We’re all surrounded by hundreds of ads each and every day. Ironically, most are completely ineffective for one simple reason. They rely on a ‘one-size fits all’ message – so they target the wrong people at the wrong time. The Ask Method is different – it relies on quizzes and surveys to get potential customers to tell you what they really want.

It turns passive readers into active participants – and is a powerful way to get your prospective customers to provide information so you can:

  • Pre-qualify every user who takes your quiz as a lead based on how they answer.
  • Ask certain questions to find out key buying signals.
  • Put each lead into special buckets and receive custom messages.
Quiz lead funnel with Riddle quizmaker

Ryan Levesque is a master of sending people through a series of surveys and quizzes. Using their results, each lead is shown a personalized sales message tailored around their specific wants and needs.

This ‘ask, ask, ask’ strategy gets the lead involved. The result? Using the Ask Method absolutely crushes the old-fashioned strategy of blasting every lead with the same sales message. That’s why the Ryan Levesque quiz funnel is proving so popular – it’s easy, and it works.

Riddle and the ‘Ask Method’

Riddle’s quiz maker and the Ask Method are a natural fit for this approach. LitRing.com is a great example – they used a Riddle quiz to suggest the perfect book to read, while collecting leads for follow up campaigns and personalized book recommendations.

Litring used a two-step process to pre-qualify each lead:

  1. A one question poll where the user picks their favorite genre – followed up with a personality test to learn more about that person’s reading habits.
  2. Based on the user’s specific results, LitRing sends them to a page full of custom reading recommendations.

Fun, insightful, and personal – that’s a powerful marketing combination.

With Riddle, we’ve taken all our experience to build a beautifully intuitive quiz maker – that everyone can use to create and embed on any site.
Choose from our 4 types of Riddles with 13 different question formats.

And lead generation (like Ryan’s “Ask Method”) is at the heart – using our drag and drop, highly customizable form builder, you have near total freedom to combine quiz data and leads from your Riddle quizzes and surveys.

How to use Riddle with the Ask-Method

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty… to use our quiz creator with the Ask Method to segment leads, you’ll need to be able to match the lead with their quiz answers.

(If your country has restrictions on this, fear not – Riddle offers a switch to allow your users to opt-out of sending their quiz data along with their lead info.)

Here’s how Riddle can help…

Using Riddle to auto-segment and process leads

Use a built-in lead form, integrated in your quiz: Leads are collected by Riddle and you can send to Google Docs or download them in XLS or CSV format. You will get all the quiz answers and quiz result combined with the lead data in your XLS file, unless the user opts out.

Then connect to any software using our free Zapier app or webhook:
Want to automatically send your leads to your email automation software? If you’re a coder, you can use our webhook to send leads to your own server.
But for everyone else, we recommending using a great tool like zapier.com to send the leads to ActiveCampaign, Salesforce, Convertkit or hundreds of other tools – we got you covered.

(We also offer integrations for Mailchimp, Aweber, ActiveCampaign and many more)

Benefit from branching logic to customize your content even further

That’s a lot, right? But we figured “Why stop there?” You can also use conditional quiz logic with Riddle to send users to fully customized result pages. LitRing.com is a great example – you can see how they used custom result pages to show each reader with a highly personalized list of book recommendations based on their quiz result.

Another possibility – you can use our logic builder to create a branching logic quiz type. Inspired by the classic ‘Choose your own adventure’ style books, each quiz taker will get a unique set of questions – based on their own quiz answers, eventually arriving at the outcome or product you recommend for them.

All those juicy pre-qualification questions and answers are saved along with their lead information from our lead gen form – and you can then go on to segment quiz takers into buckets according to the Ask Method.

Got questions about using the ‘Ask Method’ with Riddle?

Whew! That was a bit long-winded but I hope excited by the Ask Method’s possibilities of combining quizzes and lead generation.

Your next step? Go buy the Ask Method book from Ryan Levesque and use quizzes to power your own highly effective marketing funnel for your company.

Have any questions about using quizzes to qualify leads, just reach out to us at hello@riddle.com – we are happy to help.* * We’re not kidding – our entire team are big customer service geeks, and race each other to respond to emails. So fire away with any questions!

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