How to choose the right quiz maker

Things to look for in a great quizmaker like

You’re looking for the right online quiz maker for your company? It’s a good decision – quizzes, lists, and polls are proven winners at generating leads or growing your audience.
(And hey – don’t just take our word for it. According to the marketing gurus over at AdWeek, quizzes are the most shared social content on social media.)
Here’s a quiz maker overview to help you evaluate all the options out there!

Key Factor: GDPR

A key factor these days has got to be GDPR-compliance. The EU has enacted these strong new data privacy regulations – covering every aspect of collecting personal information from your users.
Your business could face big fines if you collect leads with the wrong tool. Make sure your quiz maker is 100% GDPR-compliant (or with California’s CCPA) – you can learn more here.

Quiz maker overview: How is the pricing structured

Is the tool free? That’s a powerful incentive (who doesn’t like free?) – but read the fine print.
Nothing is truly free – every online quiz creator needs to earn money and pay their costs to stay in business. In order to make ends meet, you’ll find that free tools will have to either re-sell all the data your quiz collects or they’ll insert their own ads into the quiz.

The other option is a monthly subscription – which comes in two types:

  • Most quiz maker tools charge you based on interactions – you buy a plan with limits on how many leads you can download or how many views you can get on your quiz.
    This is risky – because if your quiz goes viral, your monthly costs could skyrocket or you won’t be able to access your leads until you upgrade.
  • Flat-rate pricing is much simpler – you know exactly what you’ll get for each month. Try to find a quiz creator with a simple flat pricing structure, ideally with no limits on how many quizzes you create or leads/views you gather each month. (Riddle quizmaker offers unlimited quizzes, views and leads)

You should also look for a tool that let’s you thoroughly test it before you spend money! A free trial of all the features (with no credit card required) and a low entry price is another plus – you can try the tool out risk-free to make sure it meets your needs.

Quiz maker overview: Can I add my own branding?

Check if the quiz maker gives you the option to remove all of their branding when you embed a quiz on your site. This is generally a premium feature – which helps the quiz maker provider recover their serving costs.

Some sites offer ‘reduced branding’ – that’s a fancy way of saying that they’ll include a smaller version of their logo. Another thing to consider – will you be able to add your logo (or your clients’)?
This is useful, especially if you’re looking to run quizzes as native advertising sponsored content for your advertisers.

Logos should not the only branding consideration. Ideally, each quiz you make should be fully customizable – from colors, to matching your fonts, button styles and more. Your quiz should look and feel organic wherever embedded, especially important for websites of a global, style-conscious brand.

Quiz maker overview: How can I generate leads and what can I do with them?

Creating quizzes and polls to engage your site’s visitors is just the start. Most users will likely want to make quizzes to help gather potential customers’ emails and details.
Check if the quiz maker gives you a range of options on what to do with these leads. A basic option will let you download them along with the users’ answers as an Excel or CSV file.

Better apps will automate this process – hooking up to tools such as Zapier so you can seamlessly send each sign up to your marketing software such as Infusion Soft or Constant Contact.
The best quiz makers (like will take this one step further, offering native integrations of AWeber or Mailchimp – so you can log-in and manage your email lists from within the tool. AWeber is especially strong at this. It allows you to tag each lead based on their quiz results and then run automated marketing funnels based on how they answered.

Want to learn more? Take a look at these two blog posts about how to use quizzes to qualify and segment your leads:

Quiz maker overview: What extra features are there?

Pricing, Branding, and lead generation is a good start – but you should also consider how many ‘extras’ each quiz maker can offer.

  • Multiple quiz formats:
    Most quizzes on the market are either ‘pop quizzes’ – with right/wrong questions – or personality tests that return an overall result based on how each person answered all the questions. That’s a good start – but you are also at risk for burning out your audience, if you keep using the same limited content formats. Check that the quiz maker offers polls, lists, surveys, and more – so your editorial and marketing teams can keep things fresh
  • Quiz timers:
    Add a dose of adrenaline to your quiz – by giving each user a time limit to answer. Timers are great for boosting completion and share rates – it adds to the sense of achievement for getting a good result, and people love to brag. You can also use timers for contests – for example, only people who get 90% or higher are eligible to win!
  • Event and pixel tracking:
    Use tracking pixels to monitor your quiz progress – measuring which sites or ads get the most successful traffic, who convert to the best leads. This is a powerful combination – by tracking the source of each lead, as well as their quiz answers, you can save money and make sure your marketing spend only gets the traffic with the best chance of becoming a customer.
  • Team features:
    A key feature for any medium to large company – a team feature lets you collaborate together on quizzes instead of passing one log-in/email combination back and forth. Creating content for clients? Invite them to a sub team – so they can view/edit their own quizzes, saving time and effort.
  • Customized social sharing:
    Quizzes are seriously viral – and it pays to make sure that your quizzes can be shared with just a click across all the major social networks. Facebook and Twitter are the most common, but check that WhatsApp, Messenger, and LinkedIn are supported as well.
  • Call to action buttons:
    Don’t risk losing your traffic at the end of quiz – it’s a perfect place to add a clickable CTA button, with discounts codes, offers, or suggested content based on their individual quiz results (e.g. “You got ‘Hawaii’ as your dream vacation – save 25% on Hawaiian holidays!”).
  • Result redirect pages:
    Automatically send quiz takers to a personalized landing page – based on their quiz results… like the CTA buttons, but saving a click. (e.g. User A gets ‘Hawaii’ – automatically lands on your travel site’s Hawaii sale section.)
  • Options for video ads and other content:
    Quizzes are awesome for lead generation and engagement – but sometimes, you might want the flexibility of a blank video ad placement. Instead of a lead form, you can monetize traffic with video ads or paste in your own forms or content as an iFrame.

Riddle quizmaker is offering ALL of these extra features and perks. We believe that this makes our product unique and gives it unlimited usecases!

Quiz maker overview – A summary

There are a number of great tools out there – each with their own strengths and weaknesses. We hope this quiz maker overview helps you choose the right quiz builder for your needs.

(We’re a little biased of course, but we hope you take a look at Riddle Quizmaker in your research.) I helped found Riddle – and it meets all the above criteria, with pricing starting at just $49 a month for unlimited quizzes, leads, and traffic. We’re up to 125 features – check ’em all here.
Any questions? Just let us know at

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