Viral content: Should you create a quiz, personality quiz or poll?

Which Riddle type creates most virality

Overview of Riddle content types

“How can I create viral content” – Our team at Riddle gets asked this a lot.

Riddle has so many ways to create interactive (and viral) content; we feature 4 types of formats with 13 different question blocks and 17 lead-fields. You can choose from quiz, poll / survey, personality quiz or form. (Check out these examples from our partners like BBC and Red Bull!)

Which Riddle type to choose

Each type of viral content you can create with Riddle has it’s own strenghts and flaws

Some are faster to create and suited for quick boosts in engaging your audience. Others take a bit more time, but are more likely to go viral and convert users to potential customers via lead generation.

Some are faster to create and suited for quick boosts in engaging your audience. Others take a bit more time, but are more likely to go viral and convert users to potential customers via lead generation.

The power of viral traffic

Word of mouth traffic is incredibly powerful. People trust their friends and family – and are far more likely to view content they share.
Social sharing is integrated into every type of Riddle, including Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, and Whatsapp.

But when you’re deciding which type of viral online quiz to make, some are more likely to be shared than others.

Which viral online quiz to create? (Personality quizzes and quizzes rock!)

Why do quizzes and personality quizzes always top the virality charts? People love discovering something new about themselves – then sharing that with their friends. It could be something silly (“Which cat breed are you?”) or serious (“Can you spot the fake news stories?”).

The user gets a result specific to them:

  • “You’re a Siamese! Proud, classy, and determined – you stand out from the crowd.”
  • “You’re super smart – you got 10/10 in the ‘Can You Spot the Fake News Story?’ quiz!”

It’s human nature – flattering results like these are what most people love to share. From the classic IQ test to the ‘World’s hardest geography quiz’ or ‘What dog are you?’… well-written quizzes and personality quizzes are irresistible.

However, writing a good viral online quiz or personality quiz takes more time. So if you’re a bit time crunched, we also recommend trying out other Riddle content types. (If you’re super keen, you should check out our free e-book Quizmaster – chock full of tips and best practices from our 25 years of quiz writing experience.)

Which Riddle type creates most virality – a summary

To sum it up – a personality quiz is surely the most engaging content. Users will want to take it and share their result with their friends.
But keep in mind that it takes a lot of time and effort to create a great personality quiz.

So you might want to create a regular quiz or a quick poll / survey to test out, if your audience is eager to share your quiz at all!

Go for variety – try the whole range of viral content you can create with Riddle for either engaging your audience or collecting leads (or both).
Test out new quiz formats. Measure the results. Compare the start rate vs completion rate (and other key metrics) using our extensive quiz analytics module.
And lastly: double down – then hone in on the content types that resonate for your audience.

Your viral online quiz – how can we help?

If you have any questions about creating the perfect viral online quiz, list or poll, just drop us a line at

We love to provide tips and best practices on creating the right Riddles for your content and marketing strategy. (And you won’t have long to wait… We’re big customer service geeks at Riddle – our entire team from the CEO to developers race each other to answer our community’s emails first.) ?

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