Case study: Minute Media uses Riddle for audience engagement through quizzes

Minute Media uses Riddle quizmaker for audience engagement with quizzes

Riddle quizmaker for audience engagement

Minute Media, a digital group of premium sports and lifestyle brands, turned to Riddle to boost audience engagement through quizzes.
The London-based media and technology company (including soccer powerhouse ) is a global advertising-supported platform – that popularity is key to their continued profitability.
The advertising world is constantly evolving. Minute Media is constantly on the lookout for the latest innovations to package for their global clients and brands. – That’s where Riddle came in.

With 13 (and counting) interactive content formats, Riddle’s quiz maker supported a wide range of content campaigns.
Plus, Minute Media leveraged each quiz type’s built-in monetization – with branding, video ads, and lead generation opportunities.

Audience engagement: the battle for eyeballs

The attention economy sure is a fickle business.
On one hand, we’re almost literally drowning in content. By 2020, the digital universe will grow to 40,000 exabytes. For you number geeks, that’s 40 trillion gigabytes – yes, trillion with a capital T.

The bad news? All of that content is competing for audience attention. Competition is only getting fiercer – and accelerating. IBM found that the world’s global data had almost doubled – in just the past two years.

If you’re a publisher like Minute Media, this makes your life mighty interesting. Your business is based around online audience engagement – where free content generates revenue through engagement rates and audience clicks.

But with more and more content competition, it begs the question:

What can publishers do to ensure audiences come back (and stay) for more?

Getting clicks and keeping them

Minute Media has turned to interactive content – a proven method for getting clicks and keeping them.
Quizzes, polls, listicles and more all require audience input – and turn passive visitors into active clicking/thinking/sharing participants. On average – quizzes achieve almost three minutes of time on site per user.

That’s a fantastic statistic – Google rewards sites with excellent dwell time as high quality, and boosts their SEO for more free traffic.
Quizzes are also inherently viral – Adweek notes they’re among the most shared content online. That means quiz takers bring their friends – and friends of friends – to the party.

Boosting revenue through audience engagement

The bottom line? Minute Media knows that quizzes boost revenue. With 6-10 questions per quiz, that’s 6-10 opportunities for to display additional ad impressions to boost revenue.
Minute Media also leveraged Riddle’s video interstitial ad placement and lead generation forms. These are displayed between each user’s last questions and their results for maximum engagement and opt-ins.

Tracking audience engagement with ads – the challenge

The amount of time readers spend on an ad on a page is integral for Minute Media – more time = higher eCPM and revenue.
But time on a page doesn’t equal ‘quality’ time. Time on site can be recorded, but that is not necessarily time spent staring at the banner ad itself.
The difficulty comes in pulling quantifiable metrics beyond mere clicks that their sales team can use when negotiating.

That’s a big reason Minute Media is a fan of online quizzes.
Minute Media used Riddle quizmaker to make a collection of sponsored quizzes, polls and personality tests contextually related to their site’s sports content.
These quizzes were 100% immersive brand environment – featuring the client’s branding, fonts, and logo, as well as video adverts from the sponsor during the quiz itself.
And with each quiz a three minute interactive experience, the client could be sure that their message was being received – loud and clear.
All in all, Riddle quizzes were the perfect combination of what Minute Media needed – content which captured complete customer attention in a crowded advertising space.

The big goal: Audience engagement

The best part is how it worked for Minute Media.
Sponsored quiz content has been a hit on pages with quizzes, because 80 to 90 percent of a page’s readers have been recorded starting a quiz and 70 to 80 percent completed it.

That’s more than twice as effective – compared with the 36% completion average rate for passive content.
This proof point was very useful for publishers and their sales team.
Looking at starts, completes and time per quiz, Minute Media could demonstrate their readers were fully engaged with the content (and ads) until the very end.

Summary: audience engagement with quizzes

Brands today are advertising less but producing content more.
This push-pull of entertainment and engagement is a subtle balance, but one which works wonders for audience retention when done right.
Riddle’s quizzes have proven to be a simple yet effective solution, delivering Minute Media the metrics they need to continue to do what they do best.

It’s a win-win scenario.
Each interactive content experience is contextually relevant to the page – which boosts monetization opportunities.

And it’s not just Minute Media. Consider that almost 80 percent of marketing workers in the CMI Survey 2016 agreed that interactive content results in repeat visitors and multiple exposures.
Quizzes provide publisher that elusive balance of entertaining content and sponsorship opportunity.

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